Board Member, CyberPeace Institute
Born in Singapore in 1954, Mr. Khoo Boon Hui has more than 30 years of policing experience as well as recognized expertise in security policy and organizational management. He was the Commissioner of the Singapore Police Force from 1997 to 2010 and also served as President of INTERPOL from 2008 to 2012. After his stint in the Police, Mr. Khoo was appointed Senior Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs from 2010 to 2014. Upon his retirement from government, Mr. Khoo was appointed the Senior Advisor and subsequently Senior Fellow of the Ministry of Home Affairs on contracts which ended in 2016. He remains a Senior Fellow of the Civil Service College and the Home Team Academy. Mr. Khoo obtained his Bachelor of Arts (Engineering Science & Economics) from Oxford University in 1976 and his Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard in 1982. He attended the Advanced Management Program at Wharton in 2002 and has received numerous international honors and local awards. He is an Advisor to INTERPOL, and holds advisory and board positions in Banking, Healthcare, Security, Cybersecurity, Defense, Casino Regulation, and Philanthropy. He co-chaired the first three US-Singapore Law Enforcement Homeland Security and Safety Co-operation Dialogue with his US counterparts and the first two ASEAN Senior Officials’ Roundtable on Cybercrime as well as the Singapore Safe City testbed initiative. He is the current Chairman of the Milipol Asia Pacific Conference 2017.